Experience To Remember #1

Disclaimer: Every story from this series is a creation of Ajibike Oyindamola, figments of my imagination and not based on any real life person(s). Do not use any part of this series without the writer’s permission. Now read and enjoy! Thank you!

Experience To Remember

As she took off her bra and let it fall to the ground, she couldn’t ignore the feeling of emptiness that flowed through her bloodstream. They had lied or so she thought. An hour before she had been at his place, anxious. And all had happened so fast. But now, she felt so empty. She got into the shower and let the cold water run through her skin. She hugged herself and wondered what had she done. Although she didn’t feel bad.

Two hours later, Jerry was yet to call her. Which was odd. She kept checking her phone. Her Whatsapp had messages but from people she didn’t want to talk to. She turned from side to side on her bed. Her stomach was aching slightly and she stood up to go to the kitchen. Her parents were yet to get home. Typical of them, they worked so late and usually leave home so early.

Her artificial dreads swayed from side to side as she walked. She glanced at herself in the mirror. Many called her petite. Her stature was a combination of her father’s and mother’s. But her beauty was out of this world. So was the dimple which adorned her left cheek. She raised her cotton top and placed her hands on her flat stomach. She purred with satisfaction and jiggled her hips. She walked back into the kitchen and spread butter on the slices of bread she found.

Walking back into her room, she bumped her toe against the door and she swore as she let out a little scream.
‘Stupid door!’
Four slices of bread later, the stomach ache didn’t reduce. She drank more water and slipped into her bed.

Waking up the next morning, she felt sticky underneath and knew why she had had the ache the previous day. Her period had arrive! She hurried into the bathroom to clean up and she cleared the stained bedsheets off her bed afterward. As the realization hit her, she held her head in her hands.
‘Ewooo! I don die.’
She began to shake vehemently, trying to calm herself. She ran back to her room, snatching her phone from the bedside table. She opened the browser and typed in question after question into the Google search tab.
‘How pregnancy occurs?’
‘Does sex on the first time lead to pregnancy?’
‘Having sex a day before your period.’
As each one answered her fears, she heard her phone falling to the ground and she burst into tears.

To be continued.

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  1. I enjoyed reading this post. I can’t wait for #2. Plus reading this was very inspiring for me. I still don’t feel comfortable letting people read my short stories(I have a few) but I recently started thinking of publishing; I think I’ll post some on my blog and see what feedback I get.

    1. I’m glad you got inspired. I’ve always been conservative about the type of stories to post here too. But really, what type of writer would I be if I can’t write about things that I really want to. So go on, post some. I’ll be looking forward to seeing them ☺

  2. Eagerly awaiting the rest of Out-of-the-world beauty ;). I’ve been following this blog since last year but I’ve always been a lurker–never commenting. However,I’ve gotta tell you that your write-ups are really good….esp. the poems. I seem to have this flair of writing but I’ve never really had the time, courage and dedication to go through with it and although i recently started a blog,I’ve not written my first post yet. Oops, I’ve veered off the point….. the thing is I derive pleasure reading your write-ups…..and the admire the courage in sharing a vital part of who you are.

    1. Hi Mahreeham, I feel very honoured and I appreciate this comment. However dear, talent is something that can’t be hidden. You might think your writings are not good enough to put up, but then what if they are? You can’t know unless you try. So go for it!

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