Into the darkness

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and raised her head slowly to look at him. Her hair that usually gave her joy was a form of a burden to her now. It felt heavy and her head ached.
The white tiles on the floor were stained with drops of her blood.

The pain she felt made it hard for her to open her mouth so she could talk. She scrutinised him and felt this rush of hatred running through her veins.
She hated him as much as she loved him now. If only he could read her mind, he’d start running as far as his legs could carry him.
She stretched her legs and the scars of the previous beatings she’d tried to conceal reminded her of every teardrop that she’d cried because of him.
The blood started to flow from the bruise on her lips again and dripped down her shirt. She licked the blood and the saltiness made her feel sick.
He stood in front of her panting like he usually did whenever he struck her.

He hit her across the face and her blood flew across the floor.
She eyed the knives sitting in the knife rack on the kitchen counter. She knew she couldn’t reach it. The distance was too much.
Then he reached out and grabbed her hair. He pulled the hair and began to drag her across the kitchen floor.
She screamed with all her might and kicked at him.

He let go of her and she got her chance. She grabbed one of her black stilettos she’d had on half an hour before and without hesitating, hit him with it in the head. He yelled and grabbed his head. Then he slowly fell to the ground.
The impact wasn’t much but the effect gave her enough time to grab her phone and her purse. Without looking back, she ran out into the darkness.

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