When life gives you lemons!

Hi readers!

A couple of days ago, I was musing and the above statement popped into my head. The first time I heard the saying, I laughed so hard because it seemed silly. Like how can life give you lemon? But then I got to understand the meaning and thought I’d share it here.

Lemon is a specie of the citrus family which is known for its sour taste. Basically, the lemon is not really palatable. This can be compared to some situations we go through which we are not really comfortable with. But lemonade, which is a type of delicious drink can be made from lemon. How ironic! Something sour, producing something so sweet. Every rough situation we go through has a sweet part to come out of it if you’re willing to find it.

The lemons have to be squeezed and processed before lemonade is made. The situation you’re going through will get you vexed, stressed and tired but something beautiful could come out of it.

life and lemons

I heard another variation. When life gives you lemons, sell them and buy what makes you happy! Think about it.

By the way, lifeofdammy.wordpress.com is a year old *pops champagne* Working on something you guys will love. Trying to change the structure of the blog to suit my readers better also. Sorry for the inconvenience(s) it might cause.

Also, I would love you guys to check out naijasinglegirl.com

This site is owned by an anonymous lovely single lady. The blog relates to lot feminine and masculine daily issues and the owner is hilarious. Readers can converse with her on the posts she puts up. Basically, she’s down to Earth. You really should check it out.

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